#26 Amoveo on Nasdaq, Disproof of Stake and Working Principles of Prediction Markets
Covering September 3 – September 10

The second-largest stock exchange in the world by market cap Nasdaq lists a crypto-related decentralized finance index 'Defix,' which includes Amoveo and other prominent blockchain-based startups. Featured on CoinDesk, The Block, Cointelegraph, Yahoo! Finance, iHodl and The Cryptonomist;
A new blog post which describes similarities between bookmakers and blockchain-based prediction markets;
A summary of Zack’s campaign on why Proof of Stake-based blockchains have a critical flaw in their consensus design.
Zack has released a number of documents pertaining to suggestions for PoS blockchains to make their projects more secure;
Additionally Zack has proposed a rescue procedure for users of insecure blockchains and has compiled a list of defenses provided by PoS blockchain development teams. You can find Zack’s most recent work here: Rescue Coin Offering, Algorand, Cardano, PoS defense.
Here’s a weekly hashrate graph provided by Sy:

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