#18: Amoveo Community Forum & Guide on How to Crowdfund on Amoveo + New Lisp Smart Contracts
Covering July 8 – July 16

Zack Hess simplifies the new lisp smart contract for markets, added comments and changed variables names. More info here.
Amoveo Community describes every step of the crowdfunding process with a detailed guide on how to create fundraisers on Amoveo. Check it out here.
Amoveo.io launches the community-dedicated forum and published first public contract.
Zack Hess presents a new macro that acts as a compiler. You can feed it lisp code, and it compiles it into a chalang program.
The chalang lisp macro system was used by Zack to write a lisp macro system. This proves that with chalang lisp, anyone can now use any syntax for both run-time and compile-time computation.
The update of the light node now allows both participants to keep a copy of the bytecode of the contract.
From now you can make macros that generate macros and it keeps track of the context lexically.
The binary market smart contract was rewritten into lisp. The binary it compiles to is about 15% longer than the fourth version.
There are 15 open issues in the Amoveo depo.
There were 10 commits created in 2 repositories.
Digital assets exchange qTrade launches a special topic on Amoveo forum, dedicated to discussing qTrade, its policies, suggestions for features or improvements.
Here’s a weekly hashrate graph provided by Sy:

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This newsletter is curated by Denis Foster, for the Amoveo community. Any views expressed are personal.
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