#24 VEO in DEFX Index, New MVW Updates & Modified Work of Oracle's ID
Covering August 21 – August 27

Amoveo has been included in a DEFX index that is now listed on NASDAQ and view able through TradingView. The fund includes a bundle of the most prominent decentralized finance products on the market;
We released a new video with a blockchain consultant and trading expert Tone Vays to get his opinion on prediction markets. Watch the video here;
We have released a new #3Questions blog post with Brett Richey, CEO of BlitzPredict and a former pro-poker player, on the future of prediction markets, read it on Medium;
Zack Hess has released a draft on how to get Amoveo to go viral which can be found on his GitHub. Come join the discussion in our Telegram and share your own thoughts;
Owl-coin, a Japanese cryptocurrency website, mentioned Amoveo.
The VEO wallet has gotten an update! You can view all of the new features on the official website of MVW;
Zack Hess has been working on changing how Oracle ID’s work. Changes will populate on the light node, smart contracts, and the full node.
Here’s a weekly hashrate graph provided by Sy:

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This newsletter is curated by Dennis Foster, for the Amoveo community. Any views expressed are personal.
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